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Professional Thief Free Download [serial Number] PATCHED
Introduction to Physical Security Commonly Asked Questions Policy Issues Physical Security Countermeasures Physical Security Checklist Introduction to Physical SecurityMost people think about locks, bars, alarms, and uniformed guards whenthey think about security. While these countermeasures are by nomeans the only precautions that need to be considered when trying tosecure an information system, they are a perfectly logical place to begin.Physical security is a vital part of any security plan and is fundamental to allsecurity efforts--without it, information security (Chapter 6), softwaresecurity (Chapter 7), user access security (Chapter 8), and networksecurity (Chapter 9) are considerably more difficult, if not impossible, toinitiate. Physical security refers to the protection of building sites andequipment (and all information and software contained therein) fromtheft, vandalism, natural disaster, manmade catastrophes, and accidentaldamage (e.g., from electrical surges, extreme temperatures, and spilledcoffee). It requires solid building construction, suitable emergencypreparedness, reliable power supplies, adequate climate control, and appropriate protection from intruders. Commonly Asked QuestionsQ.How can I implement adequate site security when I am stuck in anold and decrepit facilityA.Securing your site is usually the result of a series of compromises--what you need versus what you can afford and implement. Ideally, oldand unusable buildings are replaced by modern and more serviceablefacilities, but that is not always the case in the real world. If you findyourself in this situation, use the risk assessment process described inChapter 2 to identify your vulnerabilities and become aware of your preferred security solutions. Implement those solutions that you can, withthe understanding that any steps you take make your system that muchmore secure than it had been. When it comes time to argue for newfacilities, documenting those vulnerabilities that were not addressed earliershould contribute to your evidence of need.Q.Even if we wanted to implement these physical security guidelines,how would we go about doing soA.Deciding which recommendations to adopt is the most important step.Your risk assessment results should arm you with the informationrequired to make sound decisions. Your findings might even show that notevery guideline is required to meet the specific needs of your site (andthere will certainly be some variation based on need priorities). Oncedecided on, however, actually initiating a strategy is often as simple asraising staff awareness and insisting on adherence to regulations. Somestrategies might require basic "'handyman"' skills to install simple equipment(e.g., key locks, fire extinguishers, and surge protectors), while othersdefinitely demand the services of consultants or contractors with specialexpertise (e.g., window bars, automatic fire equipment, and alarmsystems). In any case, if the organization determines that it is necessaryand feasible to implement a given security strategy, installing equipmentshould not require effort beyond routine procedures for completing internalwork orders and hiring reputable contractors.Determining countermeasures often requires creativity: don't limit yourself to traditional solutions. Q.What if my budget won't allow for hiring full-time security guardsA. Hiring full-time guards is only one of many options for dealing withsecurity monitoring activities. Part-time staff on watch duringparticularly critical periods is another. So are video cameras and the use ofother staff (from managers to receptionists) who are trained to monitorsecurity as a part of their duties. The point is that by brainstorming a rangeof possible countermeasure solutions you can come up with severaleffective ways to monitor your workplace. The key is that the function isbeing performed. How it is done is secondary--a